Focus and professionalism

Rayway Zhang, a licensed professional real estate agent in the Greater Vancouver with extensive real estate knowledge, focuses on the housing market in the Greater Vancouver area, and provides buyers and sellers with quality services. As the younger generation, in addition to mastering and proficiently using the professional knowledge of real estate transactions, Rayway can also follow the trend of the times and integrate the traditional business into new business technology. By using the power of technology, Rayway can help sellers sell their properties at higher prices and help buyers buy their dream homes. Oakwyn Realty Ltd., the brokerage of Rayway, is a rising star of real estate brokerages in the Greater Vancouver. It has been established for just 7 years and has developed rapidly with more than 400 active real estate agents. Oakwyn Realty Ltd. is a real estate brokerage with excellent sales performance and extremely rich experience. Rayway and Oakwyn Realty Ltd. can provide customers with fantastic, thoughtful, and professional real estate services.


张睿伟(Rayway Zhang)是大温哥华地区持牌的职业地产经纪,拥有丰富的地产知识。专注于大温哥华地区房屋买卖市场,为买家卖家提供优质的服务。作为年轻一代,除了掌握并且熟练运用房地产交易的专业知识以外,还能顺应时代潮流,将传统商业融入新型商业科技之中。借助科技的力量帮助卖家卖出更高的价格,帮助买家买到更心仪的家。其所签约的Oakwyn Realty Ltd.是大温地区地产经纪公司的后起之秀,成立短短7年,发展迅速,旗下签约的活跃地产经纪已经超过400位。是一个销售成绩优异、经验无比丰富的地产经纪公司。张睿伟与Oakwyn Realty Ltd.强强联合,定能为客户提供体贴、周到、专业的地产服务。


張睿偉(Rayway Zhang)是大溫哥華地區持牌的職業地產經紀,擁有豐富的地產知識。專注於大溫哥華地區房屋買賣市場,為買家賣家提供優質的服務。作為年輕一代,除了掌握和熟練運用房地產交易的專業知識以外,還能順應應時代潮流,將傳統商業整合新型商業技術之中。利用科技的力量幫助賣家賣出更高的價格,幫助買家買到更心儀的家。其所簽約的Oakwyn Realty Ltd.是大溫地區房地產經紀公司的後起之秀,成立短短7年,發展迅速,旗下簽約的活躍房地產經紀已經超過400位。是一個銷售成績優秀,經驗無比豐富的房地產經紀公司。張睿偉與Oakwyn Realty Ltd.強強聯合,定能為客戶提供體貼,周到,專業的地產服務。